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For example further certification can be for:

Dementia Awareness

Dementia Care 1 : Understanding Dementia

Personal Care (eg incontinence)

Parkinsons Disease

Safeguarding Care (eg watching for hiding

the phone re scammers)

Falls Awareness

Hand Hygiene

Positive Behaviour Support

Stroke Awareness


Principles of Person Centred Care

Care Certificate Induction : Mental Health

Care Certificate Induction : End of Life Care

Epilepsy Awareness

Pressure Ulcer Prevention

Managing Distressed Behaviour

Moving and Handling

Moving and Assisting : Theory


There are many courses available and most have to be renewed annually. There are many types of CarePAs available.  A CarePA will be happy to provide copies of their certificates, DBS checks and references and the agency will ensure you have these once you are interested in one of the care or support workers.


Some CarePA's will have high level qualifications and/or lots of experience.  The agreed remuneration will reflect this.  You will what level and type of care you need as well as agree the hours you would like.  You will whether you need shifts and whether you need more than one person.  For example, someone for mornings or one for nights etc who may have entirely different responsibilies.  You may require a live in CarePA and but have regular visits from a CompanionCarePA, or simply someone to come along and share a cup of tea and a chat every week.  Please call and discuss and let us help you put a plan in place.


All CarePAs are responsible for keeping up to date with statutory requirements.  As an agency we will provide up to date information regarding certification at the point of your hire.  As a client employing your CarePA, you may like to work with them to ensure updated and renewed certification where necessary.  If we have a course available for changed needs, your carer may undertake that too.  


Sometimes specialist medical care may become necessary in addition to your CarePA services.  You may find you need this from specialist Nursing Care Agencies.  If you are considering this, or anticipate considering this, it is advisable to ensure the right documentation and provisions are in place through the Life Care Planning service. 

Daisy Chain Care Agency has opted not to include general cleaning services within the role of the CarePA.  Many carers and CarePA's are certified and dedicated to their roles and it does not always work well where there is the combination. Experience shows the carer role is often diminished and difficult to fulfil if too many cleaning duties come into the equation.  However, certrain care workers do include certain domestic duties and this information will be available via their CV of services.


If a partime or full time CompanionCarePA provides tea making or food preparation services, or indeed any other activities, they will be expected to clean up after themselves and the meal and not leave the kitchen or floors covered in crumbs.  If a Carer provides personal care and bathing they will be expected to clean down the bath; if a client becomes suddenly sick or distressed, they will be trained to clean up after that also.  So it is a case of common sense and good practice.  The focus will be, and should be, the client and is entirely dependent an the services required and offered.  Seperate cleaning agencies are usually a more cost effective and/or efficient way to provide cleaning services.  If, for example, you wish your CarePA or CompanionCarePA to put on a wash every day or week with clothes or bedding and change the bed, then you will need to discuss with the person and agree that, within the contract.  Once DCCA has a copy of the contract, it enables DCCA to monitor during the aftercare period to ensure both parties are happy with the agreed service.


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