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Client Enrichment Services

Currently being researched for the enrichment of our clients' lives are the following services.  If you would like to use any of these services, or any not mentioned, please let us know.  If there is interest we will organise for the services to be put in place.

Dog therapy

How would you like a therapy dog to come for a visit.  Often people are animal lovers but for various reasons can no longer look after an animal full time.  It is well known that hugs and cuddles with a pet have enormous benefits to our sense of wellbeing and is a great opportunity for tactile hugs. 


Have a CompanionCarePA come to your house every week or even every day (weekends subject to availability).  Enjoy tea and chats, a light lunch, game of cards, hobbies or puzzles, a trip out for appts or to be social to a cafe.  Make sure your life includes a little fun and a few smiles.

Hair wash & blow dry

Doesnt it feel good when you have had your hair washed and then styled with a blow dry?  This does not aim to be a cut and set service, but a service to make you feel good (although you can if you wish!)  Sometimes its expensive to go for a full cut and blow dry style when all you would really like is some help to feel and look good inbetween cuts.

But, don't think we are discriminating against those with little or no hair!  You can opt for a scalp massage also, and follow it with a lovely shampoo wash and dry.  Have your favourite cuppa and feel cared for.


The service may be developed to include a moisturise for older skin, lets see what the stylists have on offer.


Bobby Patrol
Social Support & Online Community

Include into your week and month the Client Social Support services and the Members Online Community and there will always be something to look forward to and someone to speak to.  If you would like us to include other client enrichment services, please do ask.  We want you to be living your best life as independently as possible.

Have a regular visit from the friendly face of a uniformed SIA Officer.  They will check on your wellfare and ensure all is ok.  Have the comfort of knowing you will be able to say hello to the familiar face of your SIA Officer.  Call us and be added to the Officer's route.

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